& Acupuncture
Energy (or "chi") is the body's power of vitality. We receive it from the universe and from the air that surrounds us by breathing, touch, from our food, etc.This gentle energy flows through the channels in our bodies.
As long as energy flows freely, just as water flows through ravines, we feel well. However, an interruption of this flow can cause poor health.
My role as the therapist is to go over the areas in which the energy is disrupted and to restore the regular flow.
Natural Treatment Methods
Holistic Reflexology
Foot contact techniques can provide suitable answers for a variety of problems; with a therapeutic plan, the body can achieve balance and the patient can be given tools for coping with the pain and the blockages naturally and safely.
Building a therapeutic weekly plan of 8-12 sessions will allow us to see some real results and is highly recommended. In many cases, patients already feel a positive change after the first therapy session.
Medical Massage
Medical massage produces a physical type of general relaxation for the body, and thereby helps it achieve a state of release of the emotional or physical plain. Such a release allows for the emotional waste accumulated in the body to be cleared more effectively.
Research has proven that medical massage improves blood flow and the detoxification of poisons from the body and boosts the immune and lymph systems as well as the musculoskeletal system. A medical massage also helps the quality of sleep and greatly reduces stress and anxiety.
Cosmetic Acupuncture
Aging of the skin is a natural process that cannot be stopped. However, the rate of cells' weakening can be slowed naturally by strengthening internal organs, maintaining the body and proper nutrition.
Cosmetic acupuncture is a natural therapeutic method in which fine needles are inserted into specific areas of the face. Inserting the needles encourages the process of renewing and regenerating skin cells, increasing natural collagen production, and reviving facial skin. In addition, the acupuncture stimulates and increases the flow of energy and blood in the face, helps nutrition and preservation of the skin, and the slowing down of the aging process.
Acupuncture for weight loss
One of the most popular methods for losing weight is weight-loss acupuncture. This is done with placing very fine needles in the ears and in several points in the body, which have an effect on the digestive system and on metabolism. In addition, there are acupuncture points that are used to reduce stress, which is vital for the process of losing weight. Placing a needle in these points is the key to successful weight loss and maintaining the results afterwards.
The method has proven itself in suppressing the desire for sweet foods.